基本上,Louis 說的都對。我的疑問是:
1.) 對一個連原句的意思都未能掌握的英語學習者,這樣的文法論述真能幫助理解嗎?
2.) 其次,一句話有許多不同的表達方式,了解不同的寫法和其意義上的細微差異對學習有幫助?還是分清是"形容詞" 還是 "副詞" 修飾語重要。
3.) 此外,副詞修飾語是不是真的不能改寫成 "形容詞" 修飾語?
4.) 同位語的擺放位置?
American playwright and director, David Mamet agrees, saying that characters in plays do not really exist and that it is impossible to become a character.
a.) 同位語的位置
American playwright and director, David Mamet agrees,...
American playwright and director 後接逗點是同位語的寫法,同位語不一定要置放於對象之後。
=David Mamet, American playwright and director, agrees,... (此一寫法型成該句的重點 David Mamet agrees 被同位語隔開)
不採同位語,是否一定要加上 "THE"
The American playwright and director David Mamet agrees,... (加上 the 是文法基本教義派的觀點。不可諱言,這樣的寫法是既正式又莊重。我可以舉具公信力,無數的例子,此一 "the" 並非強加不可)
b.) it is impossible to become a character. 這句話也許不完整,但語意並沒有問題。因為原句是出自一篇文章,很顯然說的是 actors,而這actors在前文中已提及,文章寫作不必要非重述不可。
c.) American playwright and director, David Mamet agrees, saying that... (原句是分詞構句的寫法,有無 while 是各人的偏好,無關對錯)
= David Mamet, American playwright and director, agrees and says that...
= American playwright and director, David Mamet, who says that characters in plays do not really exist and that it is impossible to become a character, agrees. (prisoner26535的版本)
= The American playwright and director David Mamet agrees by saying that... (Louis 的版本)